The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast

Rats in a Cage

Season 2 Episode 2

“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connectedness.” -Johann Hari
In this episode, we discuss the importance of community and offer practical steps on how to pursue godly community. We look at it from a theological, scientific, and practical lens, all pointing to the reality that if we are going to live in forever freedom, we need other people. 
1) Why is community important for a person struggling with addiction?  Even those who don’t?
2) What types of relationships should we seek? Why are each of these important? 
3) How do we tell the difference between healthy relationships in a community and unhealthy ones?
4) If I go to church on Sunday, serve, and tithe, is that operating in the fullness of what the Christian life is supposed to be?
HOT BUTTON: (Listen to find out)

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